Come Read With Us!
Call Aloha UMC for directions and more information 503-649-9133
The Thursday Prayer/Study group is looking to borrow copies of Three Simple Rules by Rueben Job. If you have a copy of this little book, please give it to Linda King, Ralph or Phyllis Hollingsworth, or John Dawson.
Thursday 11AM-1PM
Church Library
IMG 6647Come join us in praying for the world, our community, the church and one another. We use a variety of books on faith and spiritual help to assist us to reflect on life. All material is read aloud in the group, so join us at any point in time.
Coffee and treats provided!
The Thursday Prayer/Study group is looking to borrow copies of Three Simple Rules by Rueben Job. If you have a copy of this little book, please give it to Linda King,
Ralph or Phyllis Hollingsworth, or John Dawson.