Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
(2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Give – At AUMC We hope to be an agent to help bring hope and spirituality in these challenging times. We welcome all people regardless of disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, color, religion, sexual orientation, social or economic class, and nationality. Giving to AUMC helps us as we offer a safe place for people to come to and to continue to valuable services in housing, food and clothing, social justice, and spiritual growth groups.
Our annual operating budget covers our staff salaries, utilities, office supplies, and general ministry support. We ask our members to make a monthly pledge to support these on going expenses. Guests are welcome to support this important area with their gifts, or you can choose a designated fund to support our community based ministry. Your gift of any size will make a difference. Thank you!
Benevolence Fund – 100% of donations are placed into food gift cards to be distributed by Pastor Keren to those who are in need.
Building and grounds maintenance Fund – created to accept gifts specifically for building related repairs and maintenance projects. Various interior painting projects are in the works as well as ongoing updates to equipment and amenities in our restrooms and kitchen areas.
An endowment fund has been established at the Greater NW Foundation to receive bequests and other gifts of assets for the ministry of Aloha United Methodist Church. We use the income from the invested funds to support our outreach ministry each year. In the past it has included Family Promise of Washington County and Western Migrant Camp Workers. Contact Stewardship Leader, Brian Hanes, if you would like more information prior to making your estate or planned gift of any size to Aloha UMC.
We honor our members who have passed from Earth into God’s loving care. Gifts of any amount can be made in honor of a church member or family member. If not designated to a specific use by the donor, we will use funds in one of 4 areas: Leadership development, Programs of the church, Outreach to our Aloha Community, or Capital improvement projects. Contact Stewardship Leader, Brian Hanes if you would like more information prior to making your memorial gift.
Large expenses come up from time to time. Gifts in this category can be designated by the donor and kept in our bank account until the project is ready to be implemented. Examples of areas to be repaired or updated include our large parking lot, and our kitchen and fellowship hall area. We will also be considering new carpet for our Sanctuary, and new flooring for our building in the next year.
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