Trading Post Hours are 10am-12pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A Free Community store to take what you need, and leave what you can. We accept donations during these hours (or by appointment) to give to our community and to those living at Safe Rest Village on our property
Upcoming Events
April 13, 10:30am. Palm Sunday.
We will have fresh palms.
April 20, Easter service 10:30am. Breakfast 9am, and Egg Hunt after Worship
Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection
We are happy to have you here! At Aloha we believe that Gods unending love has no borders, and His Grace pours out each day of our lives regardless of where you might be in your life journey.
We are a group of people from diverse backgrounds, languages, and cultures looking every day to draw our circle wider to serve and manifest Gods love.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I want to give you a warm welcome regardless of what type of experience you seek to have. We are blessed to be in ministry with you.
On this website you will find more information about who we are, our legacy, and opportunities to grow spiritually and serve others. We hope you will join us.
We are glad you have encountered us and are excited to get to know YOU!
¡Estamos encantados de tenerte aquí! En Aloha creemos que el amor sin fin de Dios tiene no fronteras, y su gracia se derraman cada día de nuestra vida en cualquier parte que puedas estar en tu viaje de vida.
Somos un pequeño grupo de personas de diversos orígenes, idiomas y culturas que buscan cada día dibujar nuestro círculo grande para servir y manifestar el amor de los Dios y sus bendiciones en nuestra vida.
En el nombre de Jesucristo, quiero darte una cálida bienvenida, ya sea temporal tu estadía o una experiencia de vida que busques somos bendecidos de estar contigo.
En este sitio web usted encontrara más información sobre quiénes somos, cuál es nuestro legado y oportunidades para crecer espiritualmente y servir.
¡Nos alegra que nos encuentres y estamos emocionados de conocerte en persona!
Ven y únete a nuestro círculo y estaremos unidos siempre!
Pastor Keren
To voice hope by reaching out, enlarging the circle of blessing as we grow in God's grace.
We will be a safe spiritual home for all, encouraging growth and service to God, in our community and beyond.
Here is a list of Non Profits we partner with. Click Here to see more information
UM Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Leaven Community Land and Housing Coalition
Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice
Black Santa Portland
Home First Development
HSD School District
Open Door Housing Works
Groups that rent space at the church are:
AA Group
Plus we share worship space with other Christian Churches.
Aloha United Methodist Church | 503-649-9133
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